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Elimine las Bacterias, Hongos y TMA en las Pescaderías con Airocide

Foto del escritor: Alfredo GarciaAlfredo Garcia

Fresh Seafood is a staple of diets in every nation on earth. People pay a premium for freshness, and have high expectations of quality. Airocide is a perfect partner to Industry Participants. It is able to control the spread of Bacteria and Fungi, which limit shelf life, and Trimethylamine (TMA) which is responsible for the characteristic fish smell. So, give some thought to how you can expand your practice to include this rapidly growing global industry. It is the total viable count of Bacteria (TVC) that determines shelf life for fresh seafood and other meat products. The Airocide NASA PCO Industrial Air Sanitizers, due to their 254 nm UV-C light bulbs and powerful oxidizing hydroxyl radical production is perfect for removing this limitation. Bacteria reproduce by binary fission (one parent bacteria produces two daughter bacteria), and thus grow in count very rapidly. Fresh Seafood is stored at low temperatures to slow this process. But, several common types of Bacteria will continue to grow and replicate even at a lower ambient temperature. Mesophiles grow at temperatures between 10 and 45 degrees Celsius, Psychrophiles between 0 and 28 degrees Celsius, and Psychrotrophs between 10 and 45 degrees Celsius. I have included a link here with more detail concerning the connection between bacterial count and spoilage. Fungi (mold and yeasts) are also a potential problem that can manifest even at the low temperatures of Conservation Coolers. Airocide NASA PCO Industrial Air Sanitizers are likewise excellent for its control. Fresh Seafood storage is a new but exciting prospect for Airocide. However, we have a long established presence in the Health Care marketplace for controlling airborne bacteria and fungi. We have a long list of studies, which validate our ability to fulfill this purpose on our Industrial website. I would encourage you to review these, and keep them in mind to share with clients. It was this experience that lead us to develop our custom spec process, which is designed around preventing the bacterial replication listed above. I would encourage you to give it a read before approaching Seafood Clients to better speak to Airocide NASA PCO's ability to solve their biggest problems. Our primary competitors for marketshare in the Fresh Seafood Industry are Ozone Generators, but we have some important advantages. Ozone is a gas, and has the properties of a gas in that it will fill any volume it is exposed to. It degrades into molecular oxygen (O2) and atomic oxygen (O). Atomic Oxygen is highly reactive and can be inhaled damaging human lung tissue. For this reason it is banned from use in areas occupied by humans in 31 of the 50 United States. Once an Ozone Generator starts; this process will be taking place for up to half an hour. That is a lot of time that workers, managers, or customers are exposed to a very dangerous substance. Ozone is also dangerous to whatever is contained within the Conservation Cooler. It will oxidize vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, carotenes, and bioflavanoids. These are all things that contribute to the food value of Seafood being stored in the Conservation Coolers. So, Ozone Generators contribute directly to less marketable products. We document the effect of Ozone damage in a study on strawberries conducted in Spain. Airocide NASA PCO uses a substrate bound process that is completely safe to both humans and food products; so safe we were cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a Class 2 Medical Device. It protects the air while leaving Seafood Products free of Ozone blemishes. Airocide has seen some success in the Seafood Industry in Australia and Dubai. We hope to continue this trend in each of your territories. The Press Release for Edition 11 of the Airocide Advantage is available for download here. It can be used to amplify this message on Social Media, Your Website, and in the local and trade press. Should you need any assistance in incorporating this market into your existing business; we are here to provide it. David A. Ghelerter Chief Science Officer, Airocide

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